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NASA HAB Mission August each year

NASA HAB Mission August each year

Regular price $1,990.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1,990.00 USD
Limited Offer Sold out for now, contact us to pre-order
Tax included.

MaxIQ Space has secured twenty payloads on the NASA high altitude balloon launch from New Mexico, each year in August.

This project includes:

  • Kits - two MK04 kits will be shipped to you and your team, so that you may configure and code one for your experiment, and one as a parallel engineering model.
  • Course - you and your team will be enrolled in a Canvas course, developed specifically for this project. The course includes curriculum, suggestions, experiments to perform to understand your kit and its applications, a discussion forum, and a calendar to manage dates, deadlines and events.
  • Virtual Workshops - we will schedule and deliver four, sixty minute Zoom workshops. These sessions will cover the requirements of the project, and will give you and your team access to our technical team. One of the workshops will be held once the payloads have returned from the HAB mission, so that we can compare notes and data sets, and prepare for presentations at space industry conferences.
  • Launch - the launch is in mid-August, from Fort Sumner, New Mexico. 
  • Logistics - When you receive your kits, we will include a container for you to use when shipping the launch-ready kit to us for integration. In addition, all shipping costs will be covered by us, all you'll need to do is attach the shipping label to the package in preparation for collection by the courier.


All participating teams need to be familiar with the MaxIQ Space ecosystem and kits.
The minimum requirements are to have:

  • Completed at least one of the Space STEM modules using the MK01 STEM kit, and
  • Added the advanced sensors in the MK01A kit and flashed the updated code to the core.

Limited Space:
This mission can accommodate twenty payloads, therefore we are limited to twenty groups participating. The updated launch manifest can be found here.

How to use

We have developed "Getting Started Guides" for all our kits, please find the appropriate guide at these links:

STEM Starter Kit (MK01/SDG)

TinyGS Ground Station Kit (MK05)

Suborbital Flight Kit

Remote Sensing Kit

Frequently asked questions:

Visit the FAQ page for updated answers.

Shipping & Processing

Please allow 3-5 days for processing.

Shipping is available globally.

Price and shipping times are subject to individual orders.

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Funding - Astrodynamics and Space Research LaboratorySeal of the United States Department of Education.svg