School commitment outline

MaxIQ Space engages schools when delivering the K-12 Space STEM program, and this page summarises the commitments that are entered into by both parties.

Commitments from MaxIQ Space:

  • Educator training
  • Provision of Space STEM kits
  • Mission 1, 2, and 3 projects to be undertaken
  • Support sessions and workshops

Commitments from the school:

  • Educators will be available for training on the dates agreed
  • Minimum number of projects and topics to be implemented
  • Availability for collecting lessons learned, case studies, and feedback on implementation/delivery

Experience has shown that the training will take two to three full days, and the time commitment from the educators will be one to two hours per week for an implementation over eight months.

Our Partners

Changing the world isn't easy, and we couldn't do it alone. 

A core value of MaxIQ is to be able to provide our educational resources to students around the globe, especially those who live in areas where there is a lack of educational infrastructure to support these young minds in achieving their full potential. MaxIQ wouldn't be able to fulfil our mission without support from...


Funding - Astrodynamics and Space Research LaboratorySeal of the United States Department of Education.svg