Suborbital challenge sessions February to May 2022

This page outlines the workshops delivered up to May 2022 relating to the Suborbital Challenge.

Pre-Program Information sessions:
The information sessions held before the launch of the challenge were all recorded and the links are on this page.

bluShift Webinars:

The rocket scientists and engineers from bluShift Aerospace regularly update everyone with live rocket tests and webinars. Please sign up to their mailing list here so that you don't miss out.

Starter Kits:
The MaxIQ STEM Starter Kits have been developed to support the Sustainable Development Goals, so you may find them referred to as SDG kits. The kit has the same components and CPU that will be used on the flight hardware, and all the components can be reused in future projects. For this participating in the challenge, kits have been distributed so that we may begin the workshops.

Getting started with your kit:
To build your kit and begin experimentation, follow this getting started guide video.
To get started with the Kibana dashboard you can watch this video.
To replace the original code onto your kit, follow this guide.

bluShift Flight Hardware kit:
Your kit has been flashed with test hardware so that you can test the SD card interface and the camera connector.
To flash your kit with the latest hardware, follow this video guide.
The new code supports all the sensors you have, and posts all the data to the Kibana dashboard.

Suborbital Launch Challenge Workshops

The workshop series began on March 2nd, 2022, and our high-level plan was:

  • Science sessions - Wednesday from 09h15 to 10h30 (East Coast Time) - Hosts - Daniel Lee and Judi Sandrock alternating
  • K-12 Engineering sessions - Wednesday from 09h15 to 10h30 (East Coast Time) - Hosts - Daniel Lee and Judi Sandrock alternating
  • University and College level engineering sessions - fortnightly open discussion workshops - Wednesday 3pm (East Coast Time) Host - Cody Harris
  • Guest speakers at a time and day that suits them - we will encourage them towards mornings (East Coast Time)
  • Catch up sessions as required

All sessions were recorded.

K-12 Sessions:

Communication Modules 1 to 3:

  • Onboarding - Wednesday March 2nd, 2022 09h30 USA Eastern Time Zone - recording
  • Module 1 - Wednesday March 9th, 2022 09h30 USA Eastern Time Zone - recording
  • Consolidation of two sessions in one video, prepared and presented by Daniel Lee.
  • Module 2 - Wednesday March 16th, 2022 09h15 USA Eastern Time Zone - recording
  • Module 3 - Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 09h15 USA Eastern Time Zone - recording

Payload Modules 4 to 9:

  • Update - short video of the slides and narration covered in the update and outline of the flight hardware kits on their way to all participating groups
  • Payload Science - Wednesday March 30th, 2022 09h15 USA Eastern Standard Time - recording
  • Payload Engineering - Wednesday April 6th, 2022 09h15 USA Eastern Standard Time - recording

Operations Module 10:

  • Pre-recorded session giving context to "Operations", where we are in the program and what still needs to be achieved before launch - recording

University and College Sessions:

  • Wednesday March 2nd, 2022 09h30 USA Eastern Time Zone - We recommended that everyone attend this 09h30 session, as it set the context of the challenge and covered all the foundational understanding. Recording
  • Wednesday March 2nd, 2022 15h00 USA Eastern Standard Time - informal session hosted by Cody Harris and Daniel Lee relaying the context and foundation shared in the session earlier in the day. Recording.
  • Wednesday March 9th, 2022, 15h00 USA Eastern Standard Time - discussion on Communication aspects of the payloads. Recording.
  • Wednesday March 16th, 2022 15h00 Eastern Standard Time - Recording
  • Wednesday March 30th, 2022 15h00 Eastern Standard Time - Register

Introduction to Modular Electronics
A number of the participating groups had not used modular electronics before, therefore we ran a series of introductory workshops:

  • February 10th - Onboarding workshop with support content, Experiment design and implementation – pick a topic. The video of this workshop is available here. Should you wish to receive the slides, experiment briefs and educator guide please mail judi @
  • February 17th - Learning about light – workshop and experiment (recording)
  • February 24th - Understanding comfort levels – workshop and experiment (recording)


Our Partners

Changing the world isn't easy, and we couldn't do it alone. 

A core value of MaxIQ is to be able to provide our educational resources to students around the globe, especially those who live in areas where there is a lack of educational infrastructure to support these young minds in achieving their full potential. MaxIQ wouldn't be able to fulfil our mission without support from...


Funding - Astrodynamics and Space Research LaboratorySeal of the United States Department of Education.svgOne Global Network for a Hyper-connected World | Intelsat