MaxIQ Space Annual Awards 2023

Please join us for our annual awards:

Central Africa and European Time Zone - October 10th, 2023 at 5pm (CAT); USA Eastern Time Zone - October 10th, 2023 at 11am (EST)
Please book for the Zoom virtual session here.

MaxIQ Space is thrilled to announce its Annual Space STEM Excellence Awards, a global celebration recognizing outstanding achievement in the fields of space science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This illustrious event honors both students and educators who have demonstrated exceptional talent and dedication in harnessing the power of MaxIQ Space's modular electronics kits and educational programs. Whether award-winners have mastered our STEM kit with weather and light sensors, expanded their horizons with our TinyGS ground station kit, launched a high-altitude experiment, or even developed a student satellite, this is their chance to shine. Our awards aim to highlight the extraordinary efforts that inspire us all to reach for the stars, and continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible in Space STEM education.

Our Partners

Changing the world isn't easy, and we couldn't do it alone. 

A core value of MaxIQ is to be able to provide our educational resources to students around the globe, especially those who live in areas where there is a lack of educational infrastructure to support these young minds in achieving their full potential. MaxIQ wouldn't be able to fulfil our mission without support from...


Funding - Astrodynamics and Space Research LaboratorySeal of the United States Department of Education.svgOne Global Network for a Hyper-connected World | Intelsat